The Problem
Today, progress to achieve the SDGs is not yet advancing at the speed or scale required, with only 6 years left to achieve them.
Difficult economic conditions, poverty, access to healthcare, a lack of quality education and investment in development, an employment crisis due to an expanding youth population, and weak institutions are just a few of the issues that Africa is dealing with.
The problem is exacerbated by a lack of leadership development
The Vision
Our Mission
The Problem
Today, progress to achieve the SDGs is not yet advancing at the speed or scale required, with only 6 years left to achieve them.
Difficult economic conditions, poverty, access to healthcare, a lack of quality education and investment in development, an employment crisis due to an expanding youth population, and weak institutions are just a few of the issues that Africa is dealing with.
The problem is exacerbated by a lack of leadership development
The Vision
Our Mission

The Solution
TADI is educating and empowering young people to become responsible change agents in their local communities
TADI works with local communities, youth, and women to catalyze change in Africa in partnership with businesses, investors and government.
TADI was founded to meet a demand for home-grown solutions after seeing a lack of institutions and resources to facilitate and catalzye change. We believe by investing in Africa’s youthful population we can build a resilient africa.
We accomplish this by identifying difficulties, conducting research, and harnessing the power of the community, fostering climate positive inclusive growth, Investing in quality education to positively impact economic development, applying promising ideas, proactive engagement of key decision-makers, collaboration, and equipping partners with the skills and instruments to alter their own lives.

Our Values
Catalytic Leadership
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TADI is educating and empowering young people to become responsible change agents in their local communities
Our Pillars
TADI is educating and empowering young people to become responsible change agents in their local communities.

TADI aims to support Social and economic transformation in targeted rural and Urban communities. 2 out of every 5 Kenyans in rural areas live in poverty, and 2 out of every 6 in urban areas.

About 30 percent of citizens are unable to meet their food needs. More rural than urban dwellers are living in hunger. Kenyas Rural overall poverty stands at 13M while Urban overall poverty 5M.

Africa has made slow progress in the provision of quality education for all. Despite considerable improvement in school enrollment, 288 million school-age children are not enrolled in school. In Kenya, for example , the implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) faces headwinds. To push the needle, areas in need of investment are the training of teachers, and digital connectivity.

Jointly released status report on the SDGs during the African Economic Conference 2022 indicates slow progress across Africa towards gender inclusivity and recommends the enforcement of legal frameworks to protect women and girls against discrimination, sexual reproductive health, domestic violence, child marriage and female genital mutilation.

Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. We can make sure that everybody gets the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Kenya Unemployment Rate is projected to trend around 6.80 percent in 2024 and 6.40 percent in 2025,Out Of 47.6 Million Kenyans, 35.7 Million Are Under The Age Of 35

Climate change, Loss of forest cover, biodiversity, and land degradation remains high and widespread in Africa owing to deforestation for farming and grazing, and climate change. Land degradation affects 46% of Africa’s land and 65% of the population, costing the region US$9.3 billion annually. More public and private partnerships are critical to mobilise and channel funding to scale up sustainable management of land, forests and biodiversity towards a green and resilient recovery.
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